Evidence of mathematics lesson

Evidence 3: This demonstrates my understanding of the various needs of students in the class, providing those who finish early and grasp concepts quicker with extension activities to further their skills.

 Mathematics: Equivalent fractions lesson plan

Topic: Equivalent fractions                   Class: 6L                    Date: 14/10/08

 Outcomes: NS3.4 Compares, orders and calculates with decimals, simple fractions and simple percentagesIndicators:
  • finds equivalent fractions using a diagram, number line or mental strategy

Resources: Maths workbooks, 3 strips of paper for each student, fraction cards.


Activity 1: Introduction

Students are each given three strips of paper. These strips should be split into 3, 6 and 12 equal sections. Students should then label each section appropriately, eg. 1/3. Students should use these strips to work out the equivalent fractions of 1/3=?/6=?/12. This will be completed in students’ workbooks. Students are then given a fraction each and asked to look for matching pairs with the peers in their class.

 Activity 2:

Students complete question 1 of exercise 1:31 (p.31) in Signpost Maths. Discuss answers with the class. Ask students the question: What are we multiplying the fraction by? Stress the idea that students are multiplying fractions by 1, thus not changing the value of the fraction. Students should then complete the rest of the exercise. Discuss the answers with the class and ensure that they completely understand the concept.

 Activity 3: Extension of concepts

Students solve more difficult equivalent fraction problems.

Making simpler fractions:

  • 8/64=?/8 (1/8)
  • 22/121=? (2/11)
  • 18/?=1/6 (108)
  • ?/54= 8/9 (48)
  • 24/156=?/13 (2)
  • 48/?= 2/3 (72)

Once students have completed the extra questions, they can make up their own equivalent fraction questions to give to one another.


  • Did students enjoy the lesson?
  • Did I use appropriate terminology?
  • Was the sequencing of activities appropriate?